Thursday 8 November 2012

Comprehensive chart on coat coloration genetics in cats/ Obsežna tabela barv kožuha in oči pri mačkah

Tabela prikazuje fenotipske lastnosti posameznih barvnih variacij, značilnih tako za pasemske, kot tudi nepasemske mačke. Preveri kje na tabeli se nahaja tvoja muca. :)

Feline genetics
Guide to Hauscat Coat Colours and Patterns

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Wednesday 7 November 2012

World Cat Show, Belgrade & Biscuit!

The last weekend of October was definitely one of the best ones in the past year. Not just because I had a chance to visit one of the most prestigious and glamorous events of the year, the World Cat Show 2012, but also because for the first time I got the opportunity to spent three days in the largest city of Serbia, Belgrade. And most importantly, I got a chance to see Biscuit again.

It was 8 am in a morning when Tomaž and I woke up and got ready for the ride we had ahead us. After driving for about hour and half, we arrived in front of the hall Arena Zagreb. Even the beautiful complex itself represented the greatness of the event.

Arena Zagreb (Reference:

The show was wonderfully prepared. Huge national flags announcing the participants from all over the world were hanging on the walls of the hall. Show cages were large, well decorated and placed just right apart, so the visitors could pass by them observing the cats, without bumping into each other too much. As the rows with show cages ended, the beautifully decorated stage appeared, where the live performances of classical music took place.


It was simply beautiful! The only thing that was a bit disappointing was the poor range of products being sold in a shopping area of the hall. I really wanted to buy something nice for my kitties back at home, as well as for Biscuit I was planning to visit, but there was just nothing interesting available. Nevertheless, the show was amazing. I even had the chance to see two silver shaded, one silver chinchilla and one golden shaded representative of British shorthair breed. The truth is I could stay in a show hall much longer, but the time was chasing us and we had to hit the road again, this time toward Belgrade.

Belgrade (Reference:

After driving for four long hours, we finally arrived at a hotel Slavija. Despite exhaustion we decided to go out and get some nightlife experience of Belgrade. So we ended up in a very cool local rock bar, where we even met the bend, that was having a gig that night. :) The next day we took a nice tour across the city, visiting Knez Mihailova street, Kalemegdan fortress and war museum, Sv. Sava Cathedral and many other fascinating sites. In the evening we ended up in Skadarlija, the city's old bohemian neighborhood, where we  already had made table reservation in one of the most interesting and authentic restaurants, called Zlatni Bokal. The food was delicious as well as the whole ambient, consisting of live ethno music and cozy, warm interior decoration. I must say, I was really impressed!

Skadarlija (Reference:
Zlatni Bokal (Reference:

Still, I haven't told you yet about the most important reunion, which happened that Sunday evening. Biscuit's family invited us to visit them at their home. I was totally excited to see Biscuit again, to find out what he is like as a grownup. What followed surprised me big time. The little kitten I remembered grew into a gorgeous young stud. :) Even though he is a year and a half old and therefore not fully developed yet, his body type is amazing. He has a strong chin and full jaws, nicely rounded head, eyes and small ears. Biscuit's coat is definitely one of his best assets, since it's very soft, dense and plush. It's no wonder he has been awarded with the prestigious TICA Award of Excellence for the second best golden shaded British shorthair of the year 2012.

Award of Excellence certifying Biscuit as the second best golden shaded British shorthair of the year 2012 (Click to enlarge)

We are all so very proud of this handsome golden boy, who not only is good looking, but also an exceptionally friendly, warm and loving cat, just like his family and home he is living in. <3>
Unfortunately I forgot my camera back at home, so the only photos I can post on this blog are those from my mobile phone. They are not the best quality, but I hope they captured Biscuit's charm at least a little bit.
This whole trip was an amazing experience for me, and without doubt I shall soon repeat it. :)

*** Biscuit ***
Biscuit on his gepard sofa :)

Monday 5 November 2012

We are eleven weeks old! :)

(black silver shaded - BRI ns 11)

Blach silver shaded British shorthair 

Blach silver shaded British shorthair

Blach silver shaded British shorthair

(black golden spotted tabby - BRI ny 24)

Blach golden tabby British shorthair

Blach golden tabby British shorthair kitten

Blach golden tabby British shorthair kitten

Blach golden tabby British shorthair kitten

Blach golden tabby British shorthair kitten