Tuesday 3 April 2012

First News and Photos of Bonie in Her New Home! :)/ Prve novice in fotografije male Bonie v novem domu! :)

Yesterday evening a wonderful surprise waited for us in our e-mail box. Bonie's family sent us some fresh news on how she's dooing, accompanied with some great photos.

Beside all the novelties, Bonie also got a new nickname Liza, which derives from a fictional character in one of the most popular Slovenian feline themed musicals "Maček Muri" or "Muri The Cat". I think it suites her perfectly. :)
According to her family, Bonie/Liza progressed from a little, shy bunny she was at the arrival, to a very playful and sociable companion. :) Together with the youngsters in the family, they jump and play all over the house, and when playtime is over, the fun goes on for this little girl by watching aquarium fish, turtles and cameleon. Bonie/Liza also practises some amusing and enjoyable habits. Every day she waits for her family to come home from school and work on a window sills, she eats at the same time as her family and in the mornings, she's always trying to wake them up, so they would all start the day together. And yes, the little princess has a privilege of sleeping in the master bedroom bed. But enaugh words for now. Here are some of the wonderful photos Bonies/Lizas family sent to us. Enjoy! :)

In the Morning
Waiting for the Boys
Relaxing :)
Evening Cuddles

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